Quality Policy

Our company is committed to enhancing customer satisfaction continuously by ensuring that all products we provide are trusted and highly regarded by all our customers through our quality improvement activities.

  1. To meet the quality requirements of our customers, we will focus on human resource development and work towards stabilizing quality.
  2. We will explore customer needs and provide products that satisfy our customers.
  3. We will strive for a stable supply to earn the trust of our customers.
  4. We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as related requirements, for the products we provide.
  5. We will ensure conformity to requirements and continuously improve our quality management system.

July 1, 2023
Takeshi Saigo
Representative Director,President & CEO
Toyotsu Lithium Corporation

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

At our company, we recognize that ensuring the safety and health of all employees is a top priority in corporate management. In accordance with this policy, we actively promote safety and health activities, striving to create a safe and comfortable workplace environment where employees can work with peace of mind.

  1. We will establish a robust occupational health and safety management system, continuously maintaining and improving it to enhance our occupational health and safety performance.
  2. We will comply with all relevant local laws, regulations, agreements, and internal policies related to occupational health and safety, and strive to elevate our safety and health standards.
  3. We will identify and eliminate or mitigate risks and hazardous factors associated with all operations, working to prevent occupational accidents. Furthermore, through smooth communication within the organization, we will work towards maintaining and improving a comfortable workplace environment in collaboration with both labor and management.
  4. We will continuously provide education and training on occupational health and safety to all employees, aiming to raise safety awareness.
  5. We will disclose accurate and transparent information about this policy and our initiatives through our website and other channels, fostering ongoing communication with stakeholders.

July 1, 2023
Takeshi Saigo
Representative Director,President & CEO
Toyotsu Lithium Corporation